
Welcome from 4 Years onwards
When your children graduate to big school we offer an Afterschool Club they can come and join!

The After-School services is provided for the children in two different ways: Once the children are dropped off at the crèche each morning, we provide a breakfast club for the children, they are given a healthy breakfast and then taken to school. When school is finished the children are then picked up from school there is singing on the bus ride back from school and exciting conversations about our days in school.

Once the children arrive back to the crèche the children are provided with a home cooked meal. After the children are finished their meal, they are given time to complete their homework. Help is provided to the children with their homework if needed.  After the children are finished their homework the fun begins.

We provide a wide range of activities for the children through their time with us in the day and week.

  • Garden Time
  • Music time- dancing, singing and access to musical instruments.
  • Arts & Crafts.
  • A wide range of toys to explore and discover.
  • Spanish Circle- During this time the children learn a fun, new language and our taught numbers, words and phrases in Spanish.
  • Baking & Cooking: This is a great way for the children to learn to cook healthy and tasty meals for themselves and explore and discover their tastes and talents.
  • Football Club: Tuesdays & Thursdays the children have football with Donal.
  • Juice Lesson & Class: Every Thursday the children are taught how to make juices and the importance of fruit in our diet.

It is very important that we try and create a home away from home for the children after a long day at school. We provide an area for the children to chill and relax in comfortable bean bags and switch off.